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Who's Who / Pwy dy pwy?

Come and meet the staff at our school.

Teaching Staff

Mr N Martin Acting Headteacher
Ms E Kendrick Dosbarth Alwen/ Acting Deputy Headteacher
Mr G Lloyd Dosbarth Padarn
Mrs S Morris Dosbarth Tegid
Ms N Mitchell Dosbarth Brenig
Mrs L Murphy Dosbarth Gwynant
Ms S Hughes ALNCo 



Learning Support Staff

Mrs C Austin   Ms S Edmondson      
Mrs A Martin   Mrs J Parker      
Mrs A Hett   Mrs H Hughes      
Mrs S Wilson   Ms A North      
Mrs C Rogers   Mrs A Blundell      
Mrs H Wilde   Mr R Evans      
Mrs S McGuill   Mrs N Roberts      
Ms B Buckley   Ms B Goulden      


Breakfast Club and Midday Supervisors

Mrs A Blundell Mrs J Parker  


Miss S Edmonson Mrs H Hughes    
Mrs S Mcguill Mrs L McGibney    
Mrs A Hett      



Mrs J Baynes              


Caretaker and Cleaners

Mr P Kendrick Mrs A Blundell Miss C McDermott


Crossing Patrol

Mrs J Parker